
Postpartum Preparation

Developed by a Psychologist and Certified Maternal Mental Health Expert for prenatal/postnatal

 As moms and clinician’s, we’ve realized more than ever how important preparing for postpartum and the transition into motherhood is for every mother. We tend to plan for the baby and birth but easily forget about ourselves in this process. We all know that things rarely go the exact way we plan, but if we take time to prepare, we can come from a deeper place which allows us to make more informed decisions.

Becoming a new mother can be the most meaningful experience, filled with love and belly laughs. It’s equally important to acknowledge that there’s always a learning curve. Our program will help you transition into motherhood with greater ease.

Course Includes:

Segment on brain postpartum and as a new mom

Caring for yourself postpartum and what to expect with tips for a faster recovery

Impact of stress on maternal/neonatal health

Depression indicators


Postpartum action plan & creating your care team

Different types of Postpartum mood disorders and recommended treatment

Normal vs. abnormal and when to seek help

The truth about what treatment looks like and why it’s important


Do natural remedies really help boost mood?

Natural ways to decrease anxiety

Hormone, mental, emotional, and physical health

Support from the foundation up: Tips for support to feel better and combat depletion