How to Avoid Heartburn

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During pregnancy it’s common for heartburn to start in the third trimester, but in reality, it can start anytime.

We get heartburn because the placenta produces extra progesterone and that hormone boost relaxes the valve that separates the esophagus from the stomach. It might get worse when you’re lying down because gastric acid creeps up which causes that burning sensation. And anatomically, as your uterus grows your stomach is pushed up leaving little space between your stomach and esophagus.

If you have heartburn we don’t want you to reach for the TUMS because they can dilute stomach acids that aid in digestion and provide protection against bad pathogens (like H. pylori) entering the body.

Instead drink ginger tea before and after meals, eat small frequent meals and eat more alkaline-forming foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts and beans.

Avoid acidic type foods like diary, eggs and acidic vegetables like tomatoes.


Unique Footprints Author:

Caroline Susie, RD/LD

Caroline Susie is a Registered Dietitian, wife, mother of a 3 month old and two Jack Russel Terriers. She currently specializes in prenatal and postnatal nutrition and believes that taking a personalized nutrition approach is best. Learn more about Caroline, here.

From the Unique Footprints editorial team and Jenny Morrow, founder of Unique Footprints. Unique Footprints follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources from ACOG, the American Academy of Pediatrics, CDC, the U.S. Surgeon Guidelines and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The UF TEAM also thoroughly researches peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Unique Footprints is endorsed by the American Pregnancy Association.


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